Saturday, January 17, 2009

I look

I look really cool today but don't want to look in the mirror too much cause my mind's imagine is so good. I have on brown pants, white shoes, black coat over a blue hoodie with a gray wool hat. I like how the blue hood hangs out of my coat. I feel urban so I went to the store to cure my caffiene headache and I walked the long way, upto madison, and down to the circle k on mclean. it's about 40 degrees outside, and I saw a guy i know, but i didn't stop, justed smiled and kept walking. he looked cool too, guess it's the weather, I got a starbucks sugar drink, and I thought about calling the store clerk a bitch just to see her reaction. I had on headphones and I couldn't hear anything she said. I downed the drink in front of the store and through the bottle in the trashcan outside the door. I listened for glass breaking but the basket was empty. I turned on mclean and tried to smile. I wanted bad for this one girl to see how happy I was as I walked down her street; enjoying life and such. I couldn't decided if i should stare at the ground to show introspection or look up and smile to portray carefreeness, but I almost walked into a street sign one time on mclean lookin at the ground trying to show the same effect and fear is good reminder. I alternated, while looking at all the cars hoping to show my new attitude on life. I didn't see that whore or she snuck by as I watched the ground. I saw a wicker basket broken without a bottom.


jd said...

your best blog

Cadet Christie said...

brad, keep posting. please!