Friday, April 20, 2012

Private Prison 2011

Where I went in 2011

February: Decatur Alabama 3 days, conference on youth violence.
April: Panama City 4 days, conference on antisemitism.
June:Petite Jean State Park 5 days vacation with brown haired girlfriend. See previous picture.
September: San Diego 6 days World Conference on childhood hunger.
October Little Rock 2 days Softball tournament.
November Knoxville 3 days Thanksgiving retreat for disabled veterans.
December Gainsvile Florida 4 days Young fly fishermen of America.

Green blobs float through the sky, and I notice cows on the hill while not noticing the brake lights in front of me.

Screech of tires, air past my teeth, three weeks late.

I asked her where she had been and she said in smart voice, "i was at my mom's eating turkey."

I asked, "was it turn key?"

She said, "fuck you"

Fuck you.

"Do you really fish?"

"Yeah, why is that weird?"

'Aren't you vegetarian?"

My sister sent me a text today that said  "....biopsy report was necrotic tissue with bacteria and some fungus."

Sounds gross on your tongue.

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